HCG: Week One
Last Sunday I committed an act of desperation. I started the hGC diet.
Let's be clear: I do not endorse this diet. I don't believe such severe calorie restrictions or extreme low-fat diets are healthy.
On the other hand, I do feel the hCG diet is a safer option than stomach stapling/re-sections, lap-bands, mouth-wirings, and tongue patches, which restrict calories much longer and include surgery and sometimes emotional trauma.
Besides all that, the hCG diet works.

I got right to work. For 5 weeks I was stellar. Not a drop of sugar, white flour, or starchy vegetables passed my lips. I focused on healthy fats, proteins, and nutrient-dense vegetables and fruits. I ate smaller meals throughout the day to keep my blood sugar stable. I tried to walk every day.

I knew why I was stuck.

I can maintain my weight by eating right, but to achieve my 3 goals required LOSS of weight. I was so frustrated and becoming depressed. I began to pray for an answer.
One day my cardiologist's office staff called. A nutritionist was coming to town to supervise a weight loss program involving B12 shots and 500 calories a day for 40 days. I'd lose about a pound a day.
Was I interested? I was, but they never called back. Then at church 2 weeks ago, someone told me how she had lost 36 lbs in 40 days on the hCG diet after her last baby was born.
I put 2+2 together and realized this was the same diet the nutritionist was promoting. I also remembered that my sister-in-law Dana had done this diet back around March and tried to convince Sarah and me to join her. I rejected it as unsafe, but Dana and several members of her immediate and extended families had done it and lost tons of weight. They still look great.
I spent 3 hours online researching hCG and the diet and the doctor who developed it. I realized I was just desperate enough to give it a try. It seemed my only option, though I wasn't sure I could afford $285 for the nutritionist or $40 per bottle of hCG to do it myself. I was still praying.

I made the call that same night.
Sarah and I started the diet last Sunday, November 1st. Unbelievably, in just 7 days Sarah has lost 13 lbs and I have lost 12 lbs. The change is already noticeable in our clothing.
(Note: I found this sign online and liked how simply it outlines the diet's benefits. I do not sell hCG and I don't plan to do so any time in the future.)
Meanwhile, my blood pressure is already dropping. I finally feel my goals are achievable!
Next week: More on the diet and how it works.
Please give me the phone number of the lady that sells this stuff. Cole867@gmail.com please email me this information I am at home with a sinus infection.
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